My Story - Liz Bradford

Not What I Have For You – My Story

This is my story. A story I tell with the sole purpose of giving Glory to GOD. I pray that through my story He will touch hearts and help you know that He is good and works in our lives for our good and His glory.

College me in Paris


She walked into the student center with a spring in her step. The new semester was off to a good start, so the second half of her sophomore year held a lot of promise. She and a group of other students were headed to a camp for the weekend to lead worship for a group of high school students, and she was excited. Read More

Story Ideas

Where’d That Idea Come From?

Many people as writers, “Where do you get your story ideas?”

But some days I’m like, “How do you not have ideas?” 🙂Story Ideas - Liz Bradford


If I had time to write all my ideas I think I could fill an entire library!


Most of my ideas are inspired from something else.


Other stories work as a type of spring board for my ideas. I’ll watch a show or read a book and a little piece of a character or storyline will jump out at me, and I’ll follow it down a little bunny trail. Or I’ll see a news article, and the same thing happens. Sometimes the idea comes out of seemingly nowhere. Sometimes the story idea will even come out of a dream I have. I’ll play the scene or character out in my head and see where it takes me. If I find something worth pursuing, I’ll write the idea down. I use Evernote a lot for this since I can just turn on my phone and type up a new note. I also have a binder that holds all my ideas and notes until they can take on a life of their own, but I’m using Evernote more and more since it syncs with my computer, and I can just copy and paste into my writing program. Read More

Trusting the Master Author by Liz Bradford

Trusting the Master Author

What’s your story?Trusting the Master Author by Liz Bradford

What are the events in your life that have brought you to where you are today?

And who is writing your story?


Are you trying to write your own story? The way you want it? Our culture tells us that this is what we should do. Write your own destiny. Be whoever you want to be. Become whatever you want.

This sounds great, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t we shed the expectations of others and be our own person? Well, yes… but… Read More