An Answer to Prayer? by Liz Bradford

An Answer to Prayer?

I woke up one morning a few months ago with an idea for a story. As it has happened before, I had a shadow of an idea from a dream I had. I went about my morning and watched our church service on my computer since someone was sick and we were staying home. I didn’t give a ton of thought to the story, yet.


As I listened to the sermon, I was challenged to pray a big prayer. A prayer bigger than I had ever dared to pray. I prayed it… and moved on with my day.

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Trusting the Master Author by Liz Bradford

Trusting the Master Author

What’s your story?Trusting the Master Author by Liz Bradford

What are the events in your life that have brought you to where you are today?

And who is writing your story?


Are you trying to write your own story? The way you want it? Our culture tells us that this is what we should do. Write your own destiny. Be whoever you want to be. Become whatever you want.

This sounds great, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t we shed the expectations of others and be our own person? Well, yes… but… Read More